Nayelli Shadesong
Leader of the semi-retired bandit gang The Banemite Brood.Currently living as an adventurer and amateur archaeologist.
Resources were often scarce within the Duskwight enclave which Nayelli was raised. Thus, many of its members were forced to take up banditry to make ends meet.Discovering she had a knack for the sordid occupation, Nayelli formed and led her own band of brigands. They named themselves the Banemite Brood.The Brood wreaked havoc across the Black Shroud for a time, disappearing into the various caves and caverns of the area whenever the Adders or Wailers drew too close.The band later vanished all together, perhaps wiped out or perhaps sated by the fortune they had amassed during their reign.
After years of successful banditry in the Black Shroud, the Banemite Brood decided to get out while they were ahead.Nayelli used her share of the riches to grease a few palms and relocate to Ul'dah, comfortably outside of Gridania's jurisdiction.This newfound life of comfort and safety would prove to leave her unsatisfied however. Thus, she later returned to Gridania.
Upon returning to her homeland, she quickly discovered she was not alone in her distaste for the sheltered life her band's riches had bought them.She proposed a new course for the Brood - and as was their custom - she put it to a vote. They would offer their services to the Gridanians in their fight against the Garlean threat in exchange for full pardons for their previous crimes.The band agreed unanimously and Nayelli herself went to propose the deal to the Gridanians.Much to her surprise, they agreed.
The Brood was put through the wringer to earn their pardons. Tasked with reconnaissance behind enemy lines, the majority of their missions were ones they weren't expected to return from.But return they did - at least most of them. Some of the Brood were captured, killed, or never heard from again - surviving only in the memories their comrades held of them.
After a long campaign, their service finally came to an end. The remaining members of the band returned to Gridania and received their pardon.However, despite the sacrifices they and their Duskwight kin made during the war, they returned to the same cold stares and prejudice as when they left.
Now, Nayelli has taken up life as an adventurer and amateur archaeologist.Her time fighting for a city-state that had always shunned her and her people sparked a flame within her to learn more about her Gelmorran heritage.She continues to work closely with the rest of the Brood - many of whom have built up legitimate businesses and all of whom have retired from their lives of banditry.
RP Hooks
➵ Need some extra muscle for your establishment or expedition?
She can provide.➵ Need some reconnaissance done?
She's got plenty of experience.➵ Need a lost artifact found?
She may be able to help.
➵ Willing to teach her about Gelmorra?
She'd be very interested.➵ Come from a criminal background?
You both share something in common.➵ Fought against the Garlean invasion?
You were once comrades in arms.